
Latest news:

May 7,2008:
MyDIAVLOS oil-spill dispersion forecast tool becomes operational (myDIAVLOS). For initial instructions see DEMO.

April 19, 2008:
DIAVLOS North Aegean forecasting available daily


January 10, 2008:
Launch of the new DIAVLOS website

More info:

DIAVLOS is a research project funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (Greece), in the framework of Action 2.1 of the "Eastern Macedonia-Thrace 2000-2006" programme.


- Ocean Physics and Modelling Group (OPAM)
- Marac Elecronics
- Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications
- University of Athens
- University of Thessaloniki

Version: 1.0
(January 10, 2008)

DIAVLOS North Aegean Forecasting

The oil spill dispersion management tool at the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil-pipe terminal includes short-term high-resolution atmospheric and oceanic forecasting (wind, wave and ocean circulation) in the North Aegean Sea

The University of Athens ( Ocean Physics and Modelling Group and the Atmospheric Modeling and Weather Prediction Group) are developing a forecast system in the North Aegean region for applying forecasting oil spill dispersion in the area of the Northeastern Aegean Sea.

The project involves the development and implementation of a very high-resolution ocean circulation model that provides 4-days oceanic forecasting in the North Aegean Sea. The forecasting model is nested in the ALERMO forecasting system (Aegean-Levantine MOON System).

In the framework of DIAVLOS project, 60-hours wave forecast, based on the WAM wave model, is provided in the Northern Aegean Sea by SKIRON wave forecasting system.

5-days weather forecast in the Northern Aegean Sea and forcing for the various DIAVLOS forecasting components is provided by the SKIRON weather prediction system (providing weather forecast in various areas and resolutions and other atmospheric modeling and observational data).

The basic components are based on the following systems:

 4-days Ocean Circulation forecast (Princeton Ocean Model) at 1 nautical mile horizontal resolution.[ Model Details (PDF-GR)]

 60-hours Wave prediction (WAM wave model) at 3 nautical mile horizontal resolution.

 5-days Weather forecast (Eta/NCEP model) at 3 nautical mile horizontal resolution.

Thanks for visiting DIAVLOS website!